English Phrases for Work

Image of laptop with the words "Dear Mr Jordan" written as part of an email. Image represents one of the English Phrases for Work focus of this page

Mistakes at Work

Professional English phrases that acknowledge mistakes in the workplace (And how to use them).

  1. There is an urgent issue I need to draw your attention to.

  2. I understand that a mistake was made by my team in the report, and I take full responsibility.

  3. I sent the email prematurely by mistake, but I have a plan in place to correct it.

Small Talk/Networking at Work

Work English phrases for starting conversations and breaking the ice in a number of professional settings.


Hello and welcome to this episode, where we will look at the art of small talk and networking for people in English-speaking work settings. We’ll share English phrases for work to make these conversations more meaningful, less awkward, and ultimately more effective.

Whether you are attending a networking event, meeting someone new at a conference, or just bumping into a colleague in the hallway, small talk is an important skill in building professional relationships.

Small talk can sometimes feel forced or uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach and using the right English phrases, you can turn those brief interactions into lasting connections.

Let’s start with the first step: breaking the ice. Often, the hardest part of small talk is simply getting started with it. A friendly and open introduction sets the tone for the conversation. For example, you might say, ‘Hi, I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Eugene. This simple professional phrase is effective because it is direct and polite, making it easy for the other person to respond to you.

Once the conversation has started, try to move it towards something more meaningful. One of the best ways to do this is by asking open-ended questions. For instance, ‘How are you finding the event so far?’ or ‘What brings you here today?’ These types of questions show genuine interest but also invite the other person to share more about themselves, creating a way for deeper conversations.

After you’ve shown someone they can talk to you, it’s important to connect the conversation to something work-related, especially in networking. You might say, ‘Speaking of that, it reminds me of a project I’m working on.

Can you see how this transition shift from casual chat to a more focused discussion, without it feeling abrupt or out of place?

Also, Networking doesn’t end when the conversation does. Following up is an important part of effective networking.

A phrase like, ‘It was great meeting you at the event. Let’s keep in touch!’ is a simple yet powerful way to keep the door open for future interactions with people.

Small talk and networking are more than just exchanging pleasantries—they are about making connections that can lead to career opportunities for you. Use the phrases and techniques covered here to become confident in these interactions and more effective in turning small talk into something meaningful.

Thank you for listening. We have a lot of useful content around business English for careers on the website, so click around and keep learning.

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